Every day, you faithfully apply sunscreen to protect yourself from developing cancer from the sun’s harmful UV rays. Recent research has discovered that your sunscreen may be harming you. An independent pharmaceutical analytical testing company named Valisure Inc. recently discovered that 78 sunscreens from 69 companies contained a cancer-causing chemical called benzene. Here’s what you need to know about benzene sunscreen cancer exposure and what you can do about it.
What is Benzene?
Benzene is an industrial chemical known to have carcinogenic effects, according to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention and the World Health Organization. This chemical can create damaging health effects by impacting the DNA in bone marrow. The substance is produced naturally in cigarette smoke, forest fires, volcanic eruptions and gasoline. Benzene is commonly used in the manufacturing of plastics, pesticides and lubricants.
Benzene is not a listed ingredient in sunscreen products. The contamination may come from the manufacturing process. There is no clear evidence at this time how long benzene has been in sunscreen products or how much is able to be absorbed into the skin. Many of the affected sunscreen products have been recalled from the market and consumer lawsuits are in development.
Benzene Sunscreen Exposure Health Effects
Exposure to benzene sunscreen can cause short-term and long-term effects to your health. Symptoms can include a rapid or irregular heartbeat, headaches, dizziness, drowsiness, tremors and confusion. High levels of benzene sunscreen exposure can lead to unconsciousness or death. Long-term exposure can cause various types of cancers, anemia and a compromised immune system. With pregnant women, benzene sunscreen exposure has been linked to birth defects, low birth weight and an increased risk for childhood leukemia.
Know Your Legal Rights with Benzene Sunscreen Cancer Exposure
If you use sunscreen regularly and have been recently diagnosed with cancer, you may be able to file a lawsuit for compensatory damages. It may be difficult to connect your illness directly to the sunscreen, but an experienced attorney can advise you on the exact steps to take in order to win your case. The dedicated lawyers at Harman Law Firm specialize in personal injury cases involving defective products. Know your legal rights with benzene sunscreen cancer exposure by requesting a consultation today.
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