Inmates in jail, prison or any other type of correctional facility have a constitutional right to request and receive appropriate medical care. An investigation conducted by CNN has discovered numerous instances where the parties or entities responsible for providing such care have failed in their duty, leading to the potentially avoidable deaths of inmates in some cases.
As an inmate, you are entitled to receive medical, psychological or dental care that is provided by competent professionals. This includes receiving a diagnosis and any necessary referrals to outside medical resources that are better equipped to provide treatment. If you have suffered as the result of prison medical negligence, you are entitled to hire a claims lawyer to pursue fair compensation.
Delayed or Incorrect Diagnosis
When an inmate requests medical attention, and there is an unreasonable delay in seeing an appropriate medical professional, treatment may be less effective or a minor condition can become a medical emergency. These completely avoidable situations may be the result of an inmate having to repeatedly ask for help as a condition worsens.
Misdiagnosis is another form of prison medical negligence where a claims lawyer can help you seek compensation. If an inmate is misdiagnosed, it may lead to the provision of ineffective or incorrect treatment options. In some cases, the wrong diagnosis can end in an inmate dying from an otherwise manageable condition.
Claims Lawyer for Prolonged Suffering
There are several reasons why inmates may experience prolonged suffering from medical issues. From waiting for assessment to receiving treatment, a litany of mistakes may lead to unnecessary pain and the development of complications. An infection that doesn’t receive prompt medical attention can progress to a life-threatening condition such as sepsis. A pregnant woman whose pleas for help are ignored may end up giving birth in her cell.
Whatever the case, when treatment is not delivered on time by competent professionals using appropriate equipment and facilities, there is a risk to the inmate’s health and well-being. A claims lawyer can help you gather the evidence needed to bring a lawsuit against those responsible. At Harman Law, we value every member of the community, including inmates who have a right to expect adequate medical care when required.
Harman Law Prison Neglect Lawsuit
If you believe that a correctional facility or persons responsible for providing medical treatment have failed in their duty to care, Harman Law is available for consultation in Georgia. Our claims lawyers are passionate about representing all clients with compassion and fairness. When you serve a sentence for any crime, punishment should not include unnecessary pain or suffering from treatable medical conditions.
Now is the time to act. Harman Law can guide you through the process of seeking a second medical consultation to determine if your medical needs were adequately addressed. You should not have to suffer for the rest of your life due to the negligent actions of others. Reach out to Harman Law today to discuss the details of your prison medical negligence case in full with an experienced claims lawyer in Georgia.
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