One of the areas of law that victims may not know about is negligent security. Landlords and businesses have legal duties to offer protections to tenants, patrons and other individuals on their properties.
This duty includes ensuring that a property is reasonably safe from criminal activity. If sufficient security measures are not in place and you fall victim to a crime, the owners of the property may be liable for any injuries or losses you suffer.
As with any law, negligent security is complicated. Every individual scenario is different and may or may not involve factors that constitute negligent security. However, there are some general standards of safety that apply to most properties. Before are a few examples of negligent security.
Inadequate Security Lighting (interior and exterior, including parking lots)
Inadequate security lighting can allow criminals to operate unseen. This may result in visitors falling victim to crimes including physical or sexual assault. You may have a claim against the owners if proper lighting would have provided adequate security.
Failure to Provide a Security Patrol
A security patrol may be necessary if there is a risk to those visiting a property. In many cases, this responsibility falls to landlords and owners. It is the responsibility of those individuals to assess the need for a security patrol. However, that does not mean a property owner is responsible for all crimes on said property.
Failure to Respond to or a Delayed Response to a Security Alert
Responding to security alerts quickly can mean the difference between life and death. As a tenant or business patron, you have the right to feel safe when going about your life. A landlord or business owner should take steps to ensure there is a response protocol in case of criminal activity on their premises.
If you are a crime victim in Atlanta, GA, Harman Law can provide representation in your case against a landlord or business owner. A free initial consultation will allow us to assess your claim. Call our offices today to speak to a lawyer with experience in Negligent Security.
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