Brighter days can lead to increased traffic in Atlanta. Both scenarios can also spell trouble, as the likelihood of accidents may also increase. Most drivers know to slow down or take extra care when driving conditions are compromised. However, it only takes one mistake for a collision to cause injuries or result in loss of life.
When there are a greater number of vehicles on the roads of Atlanta, there is a greater potential for accidents. Government agencies and other road-safety organizations are constantly working to reduce the risks associated with increased traffic. This involves public outreach, ad campaigns and the creation of new laws to keep Atlanta road users safe.
Brighter Weather
Unfortunately, increased traffic coupled with brighter weather makes it all the more difficult to prevent motor vehicle accidents. Drivers can become blinded for a short period of time due to glare from the sun, which makes seeing other vehicles and hazards difficult. Haze from the sun is another issue that can reduce visibility and cut down reaction times.
To stay safe on the road, drivers should take extra precautions when driving in busy traffic and the brighter days of spring and summer. Avoiding unnecessary journeys during peak traffic periods is recommended. Drivers are also advised to choose routes that afford more shelter from the sun, ensure windows and mirrors are clean and keep extra distance from other vehicles.
It also helps to take hot weather supplies such as water and additional sun visors, which will regulate the temperature of drivers, passengers and the vehicle itself. All these extra precautions are not guaranteed to prevent an accident, but they can reduce some of the risks.
If you have been involved in a motor vehicle accident in Atlanta, reach out to the Harman Law Firm today for a consultation with a personal injury lawyer.
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