Being stalked in Atlanta is a very serious situation to be in. Stalkers can threaten, attack, sexually assault, or even kill their victims.
State laws vary, but in Georgia stalking is defined as a person who “follows, places under surveillance, or contacts another person at or about a place or places without the consent of the other person for the purpose of harassing and intimidating the other person.”
Examples of Stalking
Some actions that may constitute as stalking and you should look out for are:
- The same person is always in the same area you are and is either in direct contact with you or at a distance
- Receiving unwanted phone calls, texts, emails, social media messages, or other forms of non-verbal communication
- Repeatedly receiving gifts or other items even though you told the sender to stop
- Seeing signs that someone has been around your home, car, or workplace when you weren’t there
- Someone talking to your friends, family members, or co-workers in an effort to get information about you, or befriend them to try and get closer to you
- A person spreading rumors about you
- When you’re around a certain person you feel emotional distress, fear, unsafe, harassed and intimidated
- You feel like someone is always watching you or you’re under surveillance
What Can You Do If You Feel Like Your Being Stalked?
Always remember that if you’re in a situation where you feel like you’re in danger and need immediate assistance, call 911. To help prevent further instances, Harman Law Firm in Atlanta can work with you to take legal action against your stalker and help you feel safe again. Don’t live in fear anymore, get help today.
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