Imagine this: you come home from work and park in your garage. An hour later, while you’re sitting outside on your deck, your house shakes and your smoke alarms start to go off all over your house.
A quick investigation shows the problem coming from your garage and the area surrounding it. Even with a fire extinguisher and your water hose, you’re unable to put out the blaze that seems to have started in your car. When the fire fighters arrive, it takes them nearly an hour more to put it out.
Certain Cars May Combust Without Warning
Maybe this sounds like the beginning of a movie, but it’s actually happened in different scenarios across the US and the world! But it’s not just any car it’s happening to. These explosions are only happening in BMWs.
When these incidents started occurring, the BMW corporation stated that they had reviewed the incidents and found that they weren’t frequent enough to warrant further investigation.
But if your car spontaneously combusts, whether in your garage or parked on the street, chances are that you want it investigated for your insurance as well as your peace of mind. And chances are without some amazing customer service and thorough answers you’ll never purchase another BMW!
Getting Resolution
Since their initial press release, BMW has since recalled cars across Europe and Asia, citing an exhaust problem. If you’ve been affected by an exploding BMW in the Atlanta area, make your appointment to talk to the team at Harman Law Firm. We will pursue justice, answers, and a settlement to help make things whole again.
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