Under the United States Constitution, and mirrored by other state constitutions including Georgia, prisoners of federal, state and local justice systems have rights. Among those rights are freedom from sexual assault and coercion. Unfortunately, such heinous acts against the incarcerated occur more frequently than many believe.
Multiple Violations Could Result in Numerous Charges
In a recent case reported in the Macon Telegraph on August 8, 2022, and elsewhere across the state, Harmon Law attorney Eric Fredrickson is spearheading efforts to protect the rights of a client and pursue a lawsuit against Cherokee County Sheriff Frank Reynolds and numerous other law enforcement officers who worked at the Cherokee County Adult Detention Center for “tragic and inexcusable” sexual conduct. According to Attorney Fredrickson’s statement, “There appears to be a systemic culture of sexual abuse at the Cherokee County Adult Detention Center.”
A female former inmate is charging that several detention center employees engaged in forced sexual misconduct and coercion throughout her stay at the center during 2019 and 2020. The alleged actions reportedly took place while inmates participated in the center’s Workforce program, which uses inmates for duties throughout the detention center in exchange for certain privileges.
The former inmate in question claims that sexual abuse is rampant throughout the detention center and is well-known by the inmates. She alleges she was forcibly raped by a detention center employee in a storage room under construction where no surveillance cameras had been installed. She also claims the employee threatened to kill her if she reported or spoke about the incident.
Such actions violate the civil rights of inmates, and constitute criminal sexual acts as well as intentional torts by those in administration of the facility. The inmate in question is asking in her lawsuit for a trial by jury and the award of compensatory damages. Other victims and witnesses have also been identified and it is hoped that they will add their voices to the lawsuit.
Seasoned Georgia Attorneys Level the Playing Field
Harmon Law firmly believes that every person is entitled to strong legal representation when their rights have been violated. We stand with the citizens of the Great State of Georgia to help them defend their rights and pursue justice, as is evidenced by our involvement in the above case. When you need fair, experienced and honest legal advice and representation in Georgia, contact us in Atlanta or Augusta to schedule a consultation.
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