Our pets are our friends and members of our family. They wake us up in the morning and greet us when we come home at night. From the tips of their cold noses to the ends of their tails our animal family members are important to the health and emotional balance of our homes. We trust pet food manufacturers to make their products using ingredients that are nutrient rich to promote a healthy, active life for our animals. What we don’t expect, is for those producers to be negligent about the ingredients that go inside of them.
Drugged Dog Food
Imagine the surprise and dismay of dog owners upon learning that their best friend’s food has traces of pentobarbital, a drug used to euthanize animals.
Imagine the horror felt at learning that instead of giving their beloved dog a hearty, healthy meal, they have instead fed him the poison which has made him sick.
Unfortunately, this has actually happened to dog owners in the US. The euthanasia drug has been found in many cans of Gravy Train wet dog food and has been tested for in many other brands made by parent company Big Heart Foods, a subsidiary of Smuckers.
When to Get Help from an Attorney
When you or a loved one, including your pets, are harmed through negligence or through the administration of harmful chemicals, you may be angry, and hurt, looking for someone to blame. Don’t plan to fight the major food corporation on your own. Plan to work with a qualified attorney who knows the major players and who has the strength and power to represent you. Contact the Harman Law Firm of Atlanta, Georgia. We will pursue your claim for justice to the furthest extent possible.
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